
Frequently Asked Questions

Simply register a new account and start clicking the mystery boxes that are being dropped by our pilot fox! You will find cash, bonus coins, xp points and raffle tickets inside. Sometimes the boxes turn oout to be empty, but you should not worry - the next one might have even more rewards than you expect!

Yes. We do not require any kind of deposits. You always get free playing coins and you can refill them at no cost.

No. This website is accessible from any browser, both mobile and desktop. Just use address helidrops.io to login and play instantly from anywhere.

Yes, we reward our users with real cash for playing the game. We distribute rewards to our users based on their actions on the website and general activity.

No. Everything you win will stay in your balance until you decide to withdraw it or spend on website features.

Just go to Wallet section and choose the most convenient withdrawal method. We have various e-payment options available, including cryptocurrencies.

Free coins are given every hour. However, you can get many more by inviting your friends and completing offers.

Some offers may take time to get confirmed. If you followed the instructions carefully, we will send you an email notification when the completion is confirmed.

Raffle tickets can be found in reward boxes. Prize draw happens every Sunday, several winning tickets are selected randomly and the entries reset. Each ticket gives you one chance to win. The more tickets you have - the higher are the chances.

Higher level is not necessary but helps you a lot - you will be able to find higher rewards and get more coins per hour. THe quickest way to increase your level is to invite friends and earn xp points.

At the moment we allow users who use AdBlock, however, we highly recommend disabling it for helidrops.io - this means higher potential rewards for everyone, including you!

No. Just one account is allowed per individual. Registering more accounts or faking referrals will result in a permanent ban.

We accept users from all countries. Make sure to do your due dilligence and confirm that the site complies with your local laws, if you have any doubts before joining.

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© 2024 Helidrops.io
Helidrops.io operates a free-to-play gaming platform service with user activity rewards feature. The service is not a casino or a gambling platform and does not require or accept any form of monetary deposit. Policies regarding platform management, balances and rewards are disclosed in the Terms of Service section. This service requires browser Cookies to be enabled. Read more about Cookies and how we manage your data in Privacy Policy section.